About Beau Gertz

Beau Gertz thoughtfully staring into the distance with a contemplative look on his face.

So who is Beau Gertz?

Hi, I’m Beau Gertz. Let me share a litle about myself and why I’m here.

Our healthcare system is not designed to keep you healthy. It’s designed to maximize profit. I know that’s hard to stomach, but it’s our current reality.

If rising costs and declining health outcomes aren’t enough to convince you, I encourage you to consider this: Insurance providers operate in a free market where the number one priority is revenue growth. So, why would we expect them to prioritize our health over profit margins? It’s counterintuitive.

When the system is built to let people get sick and treat symptoms rather than prevent illness, your health becomes a tool to maximize their bottom line. And when your body and your health are commoditized, you become nothing more than a code in a database, while your health becomes a bargaining chip at the negotiation table.

Here’s the hard truth: the system isn’t going to change itself. It thrives on our complacency and on our willingness to accept the unacceptable. The system and those who profit from it don’t want you to ask tough questions, but we must. 

We must start asking ourselves questions like:

  • Why would I pay for a system that only helps me after I’m sick, instead of one that helps me prevent illness in the first place?
  • Why would I share my most sensitive health information with a company that could use it to justify denying my care?
  • Why wouldn’t I demand transparency, compassion, and accountability from a company that holds my well-being and future in its hands?

The key to breaking this cycle starts with education and unity. To ignite change and reform, we must first understand the system and how we fit into it. That’s why I’m here—to empower you with insights and the knowledge necessary to hold those who profit from your illness accountable. 

I’m determined to innovate and offer affordable health management options that prioritize people and their health over profits and revenue growth. I’m here to protect families being exploited by the existing, predatory system.

Honesty and transparency are critical at this dark hour. And the situation indeed looks grim at the moment. But it doesn’t have to be this way and I’m dedicated to ensuring it isn’t. Let’s cut a path out of the darkness, together.

From the Blog

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Image of a broken piggy bank that's been taped back together to represent the impact that health insurance costs have on Americans.

Out-of-pocket Healthcare Costs Explained

Out-of-pocket costs can add up quickly, but understanding how deductibles, copays, and coinsurance work can help you plan ahead and manage expenses effectively. Learn how to navigate these costs and protect your budget.

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